Export defines a set of dataset properties, which will be exported to a spreadsheet file along with the values of respective indicators. Each export must be referenced from it's parent view.

Export counts in all active filters and the map selection.


This is one of the exports from the Retail Solution Demo. As you can see, a good description is important.

    "name": "customer_ids_export",
    "type": "export",
    "title": "List of Customer IDs",
    "description": "Returns client IDs, Districts, Wards and indicators available in the view into CSV file.",
    "content": {
        "properties": [

    "url": "/rest/projects/yufqzxkbiecj7jot/md/exports/g3v603i8m3tre30g",
    "dumpTime": "2018-01-30T13:48:17Z",
    "version": "8",
    "content": {
        "id": "g3v603i8m3tre30g",
        "name": "customer_ids_export",
        "type": "export",
        "title": "List of Customer IDs",
        "description": "Returns client IDs, Districts, Wards and indicators available in the view into CSV file.",
        "content": {
            "properties": [
        "accessInfo": {
            "createdAt": "2017-11-13T14:12:57Z",
            "modifiedAt": "2018-01-30T12:48:18Z"
        "links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": "/rest/projects/yufqzxkbiecj7jot/md/exports/g3v603i8m3tre30g"

Additional syntax examples

    "name": "transaction_ids_export",
    "type": "export",
    "title": "List of Transaction IDs",
    "description": "Returns transactions ID, postcodes, lower super output areas, middle super output areas and value of indicators available in the view into a file.",
    "content": {
        "properties": [
        "output": {
            "type": "file",
            "format": "xlsx",
            "filename": "Transaction IDs.csv"
            "header": "basic"

Key description



array of dataset properties, which will be present in the exported file

outputobjectexport output settings



output type (at the moment, only file is supported)

formatstringfile format[csv, xlsx]
filenamestringcustom filename

(a-zA-Z0-9 _-)(.csv|.xlsx)

headerstringheader format[basic, export, template]

Visual representation

All project exports can be viewed in the export dialogoue. This dialogoue can is accessible by clicking the Menu button in the top left corner (), and selecting Export.

Exported file in a spreadsheet editor