CleverMaps supports creating public projects where users are not forced to log in nor register. It is usable for a marketing presentation. The link to such project can be shared on social media, during a conference or as a result of a hackathon. The aim of this article is to provide a complete tutorial on how to configure such functionality and share the project. 

Tip: With this feature, you can publicly share the project for just limited time period (e.g. a conference) or make available just part of your data (e.g. just one region). This tutorial does not cover those advanced topics. Contacts us if needed. 

Further sections describe how CleverMaps can be embedded in your website.

Step by step tutorial

0. Prerequisite: You have access to the project you want to share with the world

1. Create a service user with the email you have access to -

2. Invite the service user as a viewer to the project you want to share

3. Accept the invitation

4. Contact us at with a request to enable anonymous access

5. Generate an access token

5. Go to the page where you want users will land and generate a share link

6. Concatenate the registered service user credentials with the link from previous step

7. Share this link with the world (smile)

Embed the project in your website

Embedding is done via iframe HTML tag. Simply place the iframe tag with the link from the previous section into your website. 

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Do not forget to properly style the iframe tag. e.g. remove default borders, set width and height.

Tip: You can use iframe even without concatenated credentials. The audience will be forced to log in resp. register an account.

Note: Currently, we do not support a dynamic exchange of any parameters